California Health Insurance Quotes: advice to get the information you need

It is not quite as easy as it appears to obtain a California medical insurance quote online. Here are four things that you should do to help you get a quote and obtain coverage:

  1. Confirm that the web site offering to provide the quote is actually a legitimate health insurance agency – not a lead generator web site;
  2. Limit your choice of plans;
  3. Understand how California health insurance companies design and price their plans; and,
  4. Select a plan and complete an online application.

Insurance Quotes from Benefits Cafe

1) Health Insurance Quoting Websites

Often people land on web sites which are “lead generators” and not actual sites run by a California health insurance agency. The lead generators do not give you instant individual or family California health insurance quotes, rather, they capture your contact information then sell your contact information to 3 -5 different insurance agents. These agents then call you relentlessly to convince you to purchase a health plan through them. Who wants that? is licensed in California to provide health insurance quotes immediately. After you input your contact information here you will receive an instant medical insurance quote. Also, your contact information will only go to us. We’re local with real offices and we welcome you to come and visit. We’ve been in business since 1970 and we respect your privacy.

2) Limit your Choices when getting a California Individual or Family Medical Insurance Quote

Before you hit “show plans” on the quote contact input page, you should do a few things:

  1. Click “remember my quote information” so that the next time you come back to look at the health insurance plan quotes you won’t need to re-input your contact information.
  2. Selecting individual and family health insurance will take some research so you’ll probably want to click on “bookmark this page” so that you can easily pick up where you leave off.
  3. Hit “show plans” and look at all of the individual and family health insurance plans available in California. There are many choices.

3) Understand how California health companies design and price their plans

We have written a number articles about California medical insurance that will help you select a medical insurance plan. Specifically, you should read these articles on individual and family health plans.

Also, we’ve created a Visual Guide to Health Insurance” and one of the charts shows The difference between an HMO and PPO. Another chart shows how insurance companies price medical insurance plans. Also, this chart allows you make a side-by-side comparison of two different medical insurance and helps you focus on the most important features: best case and worst case.

Also, this article describes How to evaluate a health insurance plan. You want to focus on three items: benefits; price; and, providers. Within the benefits, it’s easiest to concentrate on:

  1. Doctor’s office visit co-payment;
  2. Hospital co-insurance percentage;
  3. Prescription medicine co-payment for generic and brand-name drugs; and,
  4. Out-of-pocket maximum of the plan.

4) Select a plan and apply online

After you’ve selected a plan by hitting the “apply now” button on the California health insurance quote page, you will get a confirmation of the company and plan name that you have selected and you will be redirected to the online application for the appropriate health insurance company (i.e., Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield of California, Health Net of California, etc.)

Here’s some advice for completing the online application:

  1. Write down the name of the policy that you want to apply for – you will be asked this information so be prepared;
  2. Have your credit card information ready to complete the transaction and pay for the family or individual health insurance coverage. Using your credit card on the secure web site of the insurance company is the fastest and easiest way to apply.
  3. Remember that the insurance companies must review your application and decide whether to approve your application or decline to offer you coverage.

After you’ve selected, applied for, paid for, and been approved for individual or family health insurance you will have the security of knowing that a large company will finance your medical expenses; negotiate lower rates for doctors, hospitals and for prescription medicine and help you make cost-effective decisions regarding your medical care. One thing about individual health insurance in California is that it is “guaranteed renewable” which means that as long as you pay the monthly premium and meet the eligibility guidelines (e.g., being a resident in California) you can keep the policy.

  • Bruce Jugan

    Bruce is an expert in group medical insurance and employee benefits for small to mid-sized companies. He's been a licensed agent/broker since 1993. Bruce has written all of the content on He and his team help employers select medical plans; communicate information to employees; stay in compliance with various rules and regulations; and solve benefits-related problems that may arise.