Timeline of Health Reform Changes
Some of the PPACA changes occurred immediately (e.g., small business health insurance tax credit) others will occur over the next decade. Some of the changes affect few people (e.g., no lifetime benefit limits – very few people ever reach these); others will significantly alter the health insurance industry and impact the cost of insurance for everyone (e.g., guaranteed issue for everyone; standardized plans; health insurance exchanges, new taxes, etc.). All of the health insurance companies must comply with these new regulations. Aetna has created a helpful, one-page graphic health insurance reform timeline that shows the effective dates for many of the new requirements. Anthem Blue Cross of California has created a narrative timeline for small employer groups and one for large employer groups. The Kaiser Family Foundation has also created a PPACA timeline. Perhaps the most complete timeline on PPACA changes is the one created by NAHU, the National Association of Health Underwriters, which is the association of health insurance agents. PPACA will drastically change the health insurance industry. These timelines will show you what to expect and when the changes will occur.