Medicare and Medicaid Articles

Informative articles and resources for Medicare and Medicaid healthcare plans.

2023 Oct 13

2023 Medicare Deadline for Employers

By |October 13th, 2023 |Categories: Medicare and Medicaid, Large Group Medical Insurance Articles, Small Business Medical Insurance|Tags: , , , , , |

Employers Must Notify Medicare Eligible Employees and CMS of “Creditable Coverage” by October 15, 2023 If you offer medical insurance to your employees and any of them are eligible to enroll in Medicare (typically age 65+) then you must send notices to the employee and complete an online form [...]

2022 Oct 12

Medicare Part D Notices Due Before October 15th

By |October 12th, 2022 |Categories: Medicare and Medicaid|Tags: , , , , |

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) runs Medicare for the U.S. Government. “Creditable Coverage” is the fancy term CMS came up with to determine if the prescription medicine coverage (Rx) of your employer-sponsored group health plan is as good as or better than the minimum Part D [...]

2009 Mar 06

The personal cost of Medicare – it ain’t cheap

By |March 6th, 2009 |Categories: Medicare and Medicaid|

"Medicare for all" has become a frequent refrain from health care advocates. This sound bite statement implies that the U.S. would be better off if all citizens were covered under the government-run Medicare program. Currently, eligibility for Medicare is limited to those age 65 and over; some age pre-65 [...]

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